From God's Heart with Love - 2020
The Lord spoke to my heart saying:
Follow after me, for I am your One and Only. Let me fill your life with my love and my peace. See me as I am, for I am your heavenly Father, the One who loves you. Bring to me the ones who wallow in their misery. Bring to me those who are weak and filled with doubt. Bring to me those who have fallen and are too tired to get up. I am the God who strengthens. I am the God who fills the hurting areas with my love. I am the God who will jump through hoops for you. Accept my Son and let me bless you with all that I am. Tragedy exits. Sadness exists. Hurt exists. But I am above it all. Join me and ride above it all. My kingdom exists in your heart as you reach out to others, and minister, and help, and give to those just like you. Be my hands and my feet. Fill the earth with the love I put in your heart. Take it from me and follow after me. |
Tell my people that I am their salvation. I am returning to relieve them from the heartaches of this world. It won’t be long now. Tell them of my deep love for them. Many still don’t believe it. I love you as a loving father should. Heartaches run deep, evil runs rampant, but my love is greater. Find comfort in your heavenly Father. I will never leave you. |
Come now and get about my business. The end of this world’s ways is soon. Then I will bring in my way. My love will envelope your world. Prepare to meet your King. It is soon time for my Son to return to you once again. He will bring stability and the peace that is sought after. For now, stay close to me and enjoy my touch and presence in your life. |
Come to me with all that you are – with your heart, your mind and your emotions. Spend time in my presence. I rejoice over you in song. I delight in you. I hold you in the palm of my hand. See me this way, not as a far away god that doesn’t care. Times come and go, good times and bad times. I am your strength. I am with you through it all. Have I not told you I will never leave you or forsake you? Lean on me. I will hold you up. I will turn your sadness into gladness. Heartaches will turn to joy in my presence. See me with your whole heart and you will find me. My people know my voice. Listen with your heart and you will hear me. This is not a time to give up or be anxious. Find peace and comfort in my presence. Bask in my love for you.
Come to me with all that you are – with your heart, your mind and your emotions. Spend time in my presence. I rejoice over you in song. I delight in you. I hold you in the palm of my hand. See me this way, not as a far away god that doesn’t care. Times come and go, good times and bad times. I am your strength. I am with you through it all. Have I not told you I will never leave you or forsake you? Lean on me. I will hold you up. I will turn your sadness into gladness. Heartaches will turn to joy in my presence. See me with your whole heart and you will find me. My people know my voice. Listen with your heart and you will hear me. This is not a time to give up or be anxious. Find peace and comfort in my presence. Bask in my love for you.
Now is the time to buckle your belt. No more standing on the sidelines. Action is required; My people talk with me and watch me move, my people are open to My ways and put their ways aside, my people bring me their frustrations, offenses and hurts. I Am the God Almighty, maker of heaven and earth. For now, the negative and the positive live side-by-side. Evil may run rampant, but my people rise up for My way of love and peace. Soon it will be My glory that will cover this earth. |
Peace on earth is in the future, but it will come, because my Son will come and set up My kingdom for all to partake. Life continues now and it will continue then. But then, my way of love and peace will prevail. Come to me my people. Let me bless your lives and show you my love. Many choose to turn away from me, away from my blessings, away from my love. Yet, I continue to call to you, to woo you, to summons you to come to me. Come back to me and sit in my presence. Know me as the God who cares, the One who loves you. |
Come to me and put away the pity parties. Now is the time to stand up and become one with me. Now is the time to speak my Word. Now is the time to move forward and see all the great things to be done. The world is trembling and rolling and shaking. Who will survive? Will you survive? Will you stand up for my way? Will you move forward into my higher way of living? Or will you succumb to the negativity around you? Spend time with me, in my presence, in my sanctuary, and be refreshed. Be rejuvenated. Be lifted up. See me as I am, the living, holy most high God who loves you. |
My people rush here and there, confused. But I don’t bring confusion. I bring truth, for I am Truth. See beyond the circumstances. See beyond what is pulling you down. See beyond the hardships. And see what I am doing. I am God of the impossible. Rejoice in this day. I delight in all my little ones. Find your joy in me. Bring your burdens to me and see what I will do. Bring me your hopes and dreams and see what I will do. I love my people so. Remember my love for you. |
The whirlwind has begun. Watch as I move, and rejoice. Tell my people that I hear their prayers and I am not silent. My will, will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Be strong, never give up for I am with you. I won’t let you down. Let your praise abound and reach into the heavens. Let your prayers accompany your praise. And I will answer. |